
Turn Back Time with Telomere Extension

As we age, the protective ends of our linear chromosomes known as telomeres, shorten. Telomeres are sequences of repeated DNA material that caps every chromosome in the body. The job of telomeres is to protect the genetic materials within the chromosomes. When DNA replicates, these telomeres shorten. This process is a sign of molecular aging and is associated with the development of diseases related to aging such as arthritis. 1 With this in mind, the lengthening of these telomeres influences longevity, while environmental factors can have an impact on how quickly telomeres erode. It stands to reason that, in order to address age-related diseases, that the lengthening of telomeres is in order. Here is an overview of this fascinating subject that may lead to the fountain of youth many seek.

The Science of Senescent Burden

Every day, the body eliminates cells that are abnormal or damaged through apoptosis, which prevents the build-up of dysfunctional cells within tissues. As a normal, daily function, this process unfortunately changes as we age. Older cells stop working properly, which includes losing the ability to complete normal tasks and the ability to divide. Instead of dying, however, some of these cells continue to stay put and can accumulate in the tissues in what is known as cellular senescence. These senescent cells can create a burden within the body, and contribute to many of the conditions seen with aging, such as arthritis, reduced vision, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and cancer. 1-5

Should Everyone Take Probiotics?

Probiotics are touted as a game-changer for microbiome health. Most people are familiar with probiotics as a standard part of yogurt, kefir, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchee. Today, however, probiotics revolve around a burgeoning industry that promotes their use for everything from improving digestion and weight loss, to reducing the number and occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections. Mainstream food manufacturers have taken to adding probiotics to foods previously found without them, riding the wave of probiotic inclusion. While extensive research does back the use of probiotics for health, there is evidence that they may not be for everyone.

The Bioavailability of Supplements

Recommending supplements is a part of helping to ensure the overall health and wellness of patients. Understanding that may impact a patient’s ability to absorb supplemental nutrients, however, can become a complex array of factors to consider. In looking at nutritional supplementation, a practitioner should be concerned with how much of a nutrient can be absorbed, and how much of that nutrient is available for cellular uptake, use, or storage. 1

The Influence of Blood Type on Health

Two recent genetic studies have indicated that a patient’s blood type is key for how likely he is to develop COVID-19. A study from the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology in Germany indicated that those with Type A blood were at higher risk to contract COVID-19 with respiratory failure, as well as a protective factor with Type O blood compared with other types. 1 In the second study from 23andMe, genetic data were analyzed from over 800,000 of the company’s customers, wherein it was shown that Type O blood provided a protective effect against acquiring SARS CoV-2 versus all other blood types.(CITE 23 and me study) Patients with Type O were also less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19. 2 With both studies in mind, the connection between blood type and health may be beneficial to explore for other health issues.

Living with EMF Sensitivity in a 5G World

With wireless carriers making the move to the more powerful and faster 5G, so too should we be concerned about its effects on our health. Specifically, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that are given off by cellular devices that include cellular phones, mobile phone masts, cordless phones, and WI-FI routers, may be a source of adverse health effects such as depression, anxiety, impaired memory, aches and pains in the muscles/joints, palpitations, and fatigue. Sensitivity to these EMFs is known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS), and even though telecommunications giants claim that faster 5G is safe, there are some who say “not so fast” and for good reason.

Advanced Guide: Addressing Nasal Allergies And Congestion With Irrigation

As a form of nasal irrigation, the neti pot is nothing new, and it is certainly not the only way to clear the sinuses. In fact, nasal irrigation has been used in many civilizations for centuries and can be traced back to the Hindu practice of Indian Ayurveda and considered a personal hygiene ritual to be performed daily.

Managing Patient Cases Through Difficult Times

What are healthcare practitioners doing to bridge the gap between patient care and staying safe amid the outbreak?

The Medicinal Use of Mushrooms

One man’s fungus is another man’s medicine. Mushrooms can affect receptors in the human body that bind specifically to nonhuman derived carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and glucans!

Paying Attention to Sulfur - MSM

Sulfur is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. People who are vegan/vegetarian may be especially at risk for not getting enough sulfur as their diets do not provide adequate amounts of sulfur amino acids.

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