Despite the concept of sex being a two-person activity, women very seldom experience gratification in sex. Only about 62% of women in heterosexual relationships actually get around to orgasming during sex, states the Journal of Sexual Medicine. This is compared to 85% in straight men, and 75% of women in same-sex relationships. According to a poll by Cosmopolitan, about 2/3 of women even fake their own orgasms. While pretending to orgasm doesn’t hurt anyone, a good orgasm does wonders for women.

During an orgasm, the female body releases DHEA, endorphins, and oxytocin, a special hormone which is produced in the small portion of the brain which regulates human behavior and health, the hypothalamus. It is also known as the love hormone. Oxytocin is also abundantly released when a woman goes into labor to help with the physical contractions and stimulate the production of breast milk for newborns. This release of hormones helps women in the following ways:

Sex ultimately offers a lot of benefits for women in particular, and it is important that they be getting the most out of their bed time activities. To help, Physician’s Standard has developed a product called Libido Support for Women, which naturally stimulates the sex drive, increases the frequency of orgasm, and increases the comfort of sexual interactions.

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