Likemany Americans, I suffered from the debilitating symptoms of a severe fungalinfection without even realizing it. In this blog series, I will discuss how thishealth crisis has developed: the impact of antibiotics on gut health;alkalinity in the body; fungus and the gallbladder; fungus and vitamin D;fungus and smoking; and more.
Westart, however, with the symptoms of chronic fungal infection. Do you sufferfrom the following?
- Craving for carbohydrates, even though you try to suppress it.
- Moodier than you care to admit.
- Sex drive not where you would like it to be.
- Hypoglycemic - shakiness when you don’t eat regularly.
- Fatty food does not sit well in your digestive tract.
- Bloating after eating.
- Short term memory loss.
Istarted my supplement company in late 1994 with one amazing product called MSM(methylsulfonylmethane) after developing an interest in the real cause of alldisease, cancer, and divorce. That eventually led me to a radio talk showcalled Journey to Good Health. For over 2 years, I was on the air for 2 hours aday, five days a week. I interviewed over 200 guest speakers on health, all ofwhom led me on my own journey to good health. With access to all thesespecialists and their associates I concluded why our poor eating habits causedus to be overweight or obese, why we became sick, and why our society is fullof ill health despite the best efforts of doctors.
Regardlessof the cause, obesity, the flu, diabetes, or cancer will likely prompt aprescription of medications and often antibiotics of some sort. The symptoms ofdisease are being addressed but not the cause. There is a systematic breakdownoccurring that causes people to become unhealthy in the first place.
Weare living longer, but our quality of life is rapidly declining. People aregetting sicker more often and the World Health Organization predicts thatglobal cancer rates could increase by 70% over the next 2 decades.1 According to leading health experts,there has been a 76% increase in Type II Diabetes in middle-aged Americanssince 1990.2 Maladies in our society likearthritis, osteoporosis, depression, insomnia, and fatigue are becoming anincreasing epidemic. An alarming number of children are being diagnosed withautism, depression, or some type of learning disability (e.g. ADD) and beingmedicated accordingly. Disorders such as urinary tract infections, digestiveand kidneys problems, tinnitus, muscle weakness and the inability to cope withstress are pandemic in our society. Smokers experience rapid weight gain or arediagnosed with cancer shortly after quitting (I will explain this phenomenonlater).
The common denominator among most of these disorders is a systemic fungal infectionthat begins a deadly domino effect within our body. It is paramount tounderstand that antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs have all played asignificant role in destroying the delicate balance of our immune systems andcreating channels for fungus to overtake our entire body. These disorders caneasily be managed and resolved without the use of broad spectrum “medicines”.
The concept of good health is not complex or irresolvable. Energy, good health andan ideal weight is easily attainable. In subsequent posts in this series, wewill discuss the breakdown in our system and how you can overcome health issueswith a deeper understanding.
Learnmore about….
AmericanPsychological Association , American PsychologicalAssociation,
“Antibiotic Resistance.” World Health Organization, World HealthOrganization,