Physicians’ Standard Immune Support is a unique combination of botanical extractions designed to boost and support all the various immune functions
Because of, poor dietary choices, modern farming, and food-manufacturing methods, trace mineral deficiencies are far too common.
Liver Support is a trace mineral supplement formulated to provide the body with the trace minerals that are not always available in a modern diet.
Physicians’ Standard Nasal Clear includes immune-supporting ingredients that work synergistically to help:
• Promote easier breathing*
• Support normal mucus production*
• Support healthy sinus function*
• Promote respiratory health*
• Promote cellular health*
For your patients who are looking to achieve total body health, you may want to suggest an oxygen uptake supplement like OxyCare.
Physicians’ Standard OxyCare harnesses a specialized technology to facilitate the transport of oxygen, hydrogen, and other essential nutrients into the cells. Our formula also promotes the removal of waste and toxins out of cells.*
Physicians’ Standard Para-Clear A is a specially formulated supplement designed to promote:
• Healthy immune system*
• Optimal colon health*
• Normal, healthy elimination*
Physicians’ Standard Para-Clear B can be taken synergistically with Para-Clear A to promote:
• Healthy immune system*
• Optimal colon health*
• Normal, healthy elimination*
Physicians’ Standard Xyli-Glucan tastes great and contains many additional health benefits.* Our formula reinforces immune systems in individuals who, because of age, , poor nutrition, stress, or an overload of environmental toxins, may benefit from immune support.*